štvrtok 11. novembra 2010

Odvrátená stránka Indie

Mám pocit, že niektorí ľudia mi závidia môj pobyt v Indii. A to aj napriek tomu, že občas spomeniem niektorý z problémov, ktorým tu čelím. Tak som sa rozhodol opísať svoje posledné skúsenosti. Len pre predstavu, včera som bol naozaj veľmi frustrovaný a rozmýšľal som, že napíšem tento článok. A momentálne som naopak celkom šťastný, a teda to pravdepodobne bude znieť trochu veselo. Ale skúste si to predstaviť v reály, so skutočnými postavami (mnou).

Čo sa mi teda stalo včera? Takže, do Punjabu prichádza zima a so zimou aj zima do mojej izby, ktorá nemá kúrenie. A ani teplú vodu. Avšak, tú teplú vodu mi správca sľubuje už 2-3 týždne a to systémom, že "today or tommorrow it will be done". Čakám deň dva, nič, zase idem za ním a zase rovnaká story. Občas mi povedal, že ho mám čakať v izbe a potom nič. Potom raz prišiel do mojej izby (viac menej som ho dotiahol), aj s 3 údržbármi a zistili, že nemajú správnu veľkosť trubičky. Potom predvčerom zase povedal, že však už mi to funguje. Včera potom došiel do mojej izby, že mi to ukáže a potom zistil, že hops - nemám vodu v "boilery".

Ďalšia sympatická vec je mobil. Denne dostávam cca 20 sms a hovorov, kde mi nejakí fešní indovia a indky ponúkajú rôzne veci (myslím, že ďalších fešných indov a indky). Včera to dosiahlo vrchol, keď som dostal sms, že na základe mojej žiadosti mi aktivovali nejakú službu a odvtedy som mal miesto zvonenia výbornú indickú pesničku. Samozrejme mi za to aj stiahli peniaze (-:

A prečo som teda dnes taký šťastný? Podarilo sa mi získať naraz aj teplú vodu aj odstrániť melódiu z mobilu! Je pravda, že som tým strávil dosť veľkú časť svojho pracovného dňa, ale to nevadí. Priority sú jasné.

V skratke, v Indii je všetko možné. Ale všetko je tu aj hrozne zložité.

utorok 9. novembra 2010

Ganges, mountains, desert and some more probably

Hey, I got myself to serious troubles as I haven't written anything for some time and now I have no idea what to say first... Should I mention the story with Google being blocked last week in our 'university'? Or the travel to Pakistani borders, to Ganges, or some horrible stories with night travels in buses? Let's see. I'll try my best to keep it short (-:

Well, what about Ganges? I saw it in Hardwar, which is the first holy place from the source and it was quite clean there. Though, I would consider touching water down from there... Hindus from all around the India feel like bathing there and throwing the ash from the bodies of their relatives to the water. But then Rishikesh, an hour north, at the edge of Himalayas, the river was already pure (locals were drinking it without hesitation). I did the river rafting there and it felt like playing football in the church. I didn't think a holy river can be that rough either!

The best thing though happened in Mussourie, which is a hill station with beautiful views on the highest Himalayas. Here I had really big problems with my eye, it was all red, I looked like a one-eye pirate probably and it was very uncomfortable. And what would happen in India? In the forest behind the town, right when I passed by some monkeys and the poor quarter, I met a magical woman who gave me medicine which helped me immediately. This is the truth story. Ask for more info if you don't believe (-:

Well, then Amritsar, Golden Temple. The Sikhs’ most sacred place. Also Mr. Obama was to visit it but then it turned and he didn’t. But we did. There was also a memorial on the spot of the 2000 massacred Indians by the British and it was very strong place with certain atmosphere. I as European didn’t feel very good there, though locals were still asking me for taking pictures with them and smiling like nothing ever had gone wrong there. I don’t understand it.

Another thing hard to understand is the Indo-Pakistani borders. As Punjab was divided by the halves in 1947, many people feel like borders are too artificial. So at the borders they make a very nice ceremony every day to remind the unity (?) of Punjab. Still I don’t know why they shout “Hindustan” and “Pakistan” on the sides and not “PUNJAB” at both of them…

And finally, Happy Diwali! The biggest India holiday, yet I haven’t been able to fully understand what it is about. It is a religious holiday, though every religion but Muslims celebrates it, however for different reason. But I haven’t noticed any special celebration apart of terrible noise all around the country from crackers which children were throwing all week long. Yet, I spent the day in the desert (close to wonderful city of Jaiselmer) at sand dunes and that was amazing.

The experiences from last few weeks wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the Deshnok Temple. Listen, these people there worship rats as the holy animals, they feed them and if they cross your foot you’ll be lucky. Would you believe that? Check youtube for some visuals, just to say I am glad I wasn’t lucky enough and didn’t have any closer relation with any of the local animals…

Well, that’s it for today, I feel like doing a chronicle. I’ll try to be less chronological and more random (chaotic?) next time, the way we all like it.